5 years ago
Fastest way to thoroughly uninstall apps on macOS
Yeah, yeah, I know, Windows 10 has a built-in uninstaller, cool. But with a simple third-party app, we can make the macOS uninstalling experience even better. No Vista-looking dialogs, and clicking Next -> Next -> Next -> Next at least 15 times to uninstall an app.
The macOS experience of uninstalling an app is simple: just delete the app from Finder or drag it to the trash can. However, this always leaves behind a bunch of cache and files on disk, and they could be scattered in a bunch of different places. All of this junk can eventually pile up and take a bunch of unwanted space.
Here's where [AppCleaner] comes into play.

AppCleaner is a completely free utility for macOS which allows you to easily drag any app into it, and it will delete it along with the related files on disk. But it gets even better.
Turn on SmartDelete
You can go to the preferences of AppCleaner and turn on SmartDelete. Then you can just delete apps from Finder or drag them to the trash can and AppCleaner will find the junk files and automatically delete them for you.
The fastest way
If you're using Alfred (which you should), you can install the Open App In AppCleaner workflow and you can easily uninstall an app by typing clean
followed by the application name in Alfred.
This is one of my favorite Alfred workflows and I'm using it every time I need to uninstall an app. I'm gonna write a longer article with all of my Alfred workflows soon. You can subscribe to the newsletter if you want to be notified about it.